Embedded analytics and BI: Why, how and what

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We delve into the reasons behind the escalating popularity of embedded analytics.

Additionally, we explore why most SaaS organizations proactively collaborate with embedded analytics vendors instead of pursuing in-house development. As well as outlining what to expect during an embedded analytics trial and deployment.

What to expect

The death of the buy vs. build conundrum.

How embedded analytics can attract new customers, differentiate your SaaS organization from the competition and increase customer satisfaction.

Insights from organizations using Panintelligence to provide their customers with valuable data insights.

So, you’re building it yourself. It always takes longer than expected, and it is more expensive than you envisioned when you started. But it also introduces the cost of missed opportunities because the resources you’re allocating to building the analytics system can’t be used for building your own product.

Hans Gringhuis, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Booq.

Four steps to embedded analytics success and more.

Read the guide